Teds Sister
Tuesday, 30. July 2002
happiness is...

...when the latest phoenix listings comes out...

...it's the small things that matter :o)...

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didn't we have a lovely time...

...the weekend i went to Cambridge, for my cousins wedding. an early start on saturday, after a very late friday night. 2 bottles of wine and a turbo shandy, while watching the final big brother and some aussie rules (which may have been the match marky was at) with craigy and then having one of our old "up all night yacking and drinking tea" sessions. which we used to do weekly after a jolly night down the FC, no krypton factor this time though...

...attempted to annoy the folks at the wedding, by wearing one item of attire deemed unsuitable...

...but please judge for yourself who looks the biggest muppet...

...yeah, yeah, do i look like a give a shit?...

...almost shed a tear during the service, but held back and even felt Clare's pain as she stuffed up her vows (heehee). yeah she looked beautiful as everyone said, but somewhat thin at the same time :os headed back to her mum's house for the reception in the garden. the champagne was flowing for hours, me and dad knocked it back...

...several hours later time for the meal, here comes the wine, thank you. speech time, my uncle michael, the groom, peter, and best man (both yanks :o/ ) were all amusing, and yet again i felt a slight "welling" in my eyes. stuffed and fully tanked up, i head back out to the garden , where i am kept stocked up by beer from several sources who have realised i am a full on beer monster :o) happy me, chilling out with my grandad. amaze the world and his wife later on by getting my grandad up on the dance floor (he has been telling said world and wife about his arthritis all day!) where he fully gave it some, hands in the air and all. my mother sadly could not get the camera to work at this point (aaargh!)...

...next morning we HAVE to be up for breakfast at the B&B at 8am, urghh to say the least, but after a fry up it's straight back to sleep :o) went out for a meal in the avo with my aunt, uncle and other two cousins (not the one getting married) as it's my grandad's 90th birthday on wednesday. beer and wine flowing again, wahey and yet another roasting day. back to my aunt's for cake and champagne. i get picked to play footie with sam (3 year old 2nd cousin, aww) then head down to the pub with my cousin chris. despite the pissed bloke that kept proving to us he was not wearing any pants, a pleasant time and i amazed myself by downing 3 pints in less than an hour. did the longest wee ever in the morning though - heehee...

...headed into cambridge on monday, with my aunt and uncle as it was their wedding anniversay. did an open top bus tour around the city, bit of window shopping (i will be back there with cash soon so if anyone wants to join me...) and a tasty lunch. then it was time to head back to the old lesta, and i happily slept all the way home...

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